The core game, though, with just power allocation, movement, and shooting, is actually not as complex as many would have you believe, but it still takes an awful long time for two cruisers to vaporize one another. And honestly, not using transporters, shuttles, and other subsystems makes the game really dumbed down so much that it's no longer much fun. So, to get the full experience, you need to read a lot, play a lot (ideally with an experienced player), and invest a lot of time to simulate two star ships in combat, and if you want the full experience, you need to really learn about all of the subsystems' roles in the game, which is incredibly daunting even now that I'm a more thoughtful, reasoned adult. Suffice it to say that while I still own Star Fleet Battles', I will likely not play it for a long, long time.

The one major flaw with ST:STCS is that there is a tremendous balance problem between Federation ships and other races' ships. A Fed frigate versus any other races' frigate is almost guaranteed to win, assuming equal die rolls and equal between both players. Since the Federation has always been "the good guy" faction, it makes sense, but when you consider that the economy of the Romulan and Klingon Empires has always been geared toward warfare, one would think that their ships would be more powerful than the Feds. Paired with the fact that any two smaller ships will outmatch one larger one. Thus, it is difficult to build balanced scenarios in many cases, which can make it a bummer for anyone who isn't playing the Feds. Additionally, playing more than one ship per side is a little daunting, although not as difficult as Star Fleet Battles.
Between Star Fleet Battles and its subsequent offshoot, Federation Commander, there were several rule sets that could be played using the Star Trek series, the most prominent being Full Thrust which, when played with the unofficial Star Trek variant, is called Full Trek:
This was really just a rule set with some interesting inertia rules more than anything, and while it's fine as its own game, intertwining it with the Full Trek rules really was simply putting lipstick on a pig; it didn't have the "Star Trek" feel to it, and it was simply a very capable rules set that would be better suited to Star Wars or a less "deep" franchise.

Anyhow, ACTA:SF does an admirable job of simplifying Star Fleet Battles down to the Squadron Commander level from the individual Captain level, so to speak. Instead of worrying about power allocation, this is a game about white-hot particle beams searing through hulls and vaporizing crewmen. The game is broken down into phases where each player takes turns moving a single ship at a time until all ships are moved, then they do the same thing regarding shooting. While the impulse system that I love so dearly is gone, this does an admirable job of simulating sub-light space battles. Each ship must move a certain distance forward before making a 45 degree turn, and since all weapons have firing arcs, positioning yourself to put your weapons on target is crucial, as I learned quite early when my D7 was literally cut to ribbons by my daughter's Fed dreadnought, the little turd.
There are no shield facings in ACTA:SF, but the weapon arcs are enough to make position really matter as noted. Instead of the normal six facings in every previous game in the Star Fleet Universe, this game boils it down to four 90 degree sections. Shields have a single value, so unlike the other ADB games, your shields are assumed to continually be fully powered when struck until they fail completely. There is a critical hit mechanic that allows your shields to be bypassed in some cases, either in part or in whole, and there's a further critical damage chart which causes internal damage which cripples your ships in meaningful ways, including destroying propulsion, killing the crew, and potentially, breaching the warp core resulting in an exploding vessel. A really neat mechanic is the "escalation" mechanic which causes critical damage to potentially get worse each turn, based on a die roll. In short, it mimics a fire on board or crewmen being trapped in an irradiated area and made ineffective.
Each weapon on your ships have an attack dice rating, which amounts to how many dice you get to roll for them. Each roll of 4+ on a D6 is a hit, but every six rolled penetrates the shields, allowing you to roll on the damage table. If you roll a 2-5, you simply do a single point of damage to the ship's structure, but on a six, you roll for critical damage. This doesn't even take into account that weapons have traits, and as such may also do other things, like do extra damage, cripple systems, or allow bonuses to hit at certain ranges. All in all, ACTA:SF most certainly captures the feel of having unique weapons systems. It also feels a lot like the JJ Abrams' Star Trek reboot, from the perspective that there's a lot of shooting going on during each engagement, unlike the old Star Trek TV series. Very, very cool, in short.One of the most important things in ACTA:SF is the advent of defensive fire.
Because all weapons, including seekers like torpedoes and drones, have been abstracted to direct-fire weapons, you can assign almost all of your offensive weapons to defensive fire. But since your weapons can only fire once per round, generally, you really have to decide whether to use your phasers to shoot incoming torpedoes and drones or to let the shields soak up the damage and reserve your weapons for offensive volleys. We found that one of the hardest things to really master is the judgement of when to attack and when to withhold for defensive fire. In the end, you have a 50/50 shot of getting hit by any given attack die, plus or minus depending on bonuses, but some weapons can really devastate you so you need to be sure to stay out of range as best you can.
I have to admit, I do miss the impulse-based movement, which I think would've worked well if you were to simply combine the movement and firing phases to maybe 4 impulses, with a speed limit of 12, allowing 4 differing speeds of ships. As it rests, the "Roll for initiative, then move, then shoot" phase structure puts the person who wins initiative at a marked disadvantage as they get to move first but shoot last, meaning they are shot first and thus damaged first. When shields are up and ranges are distant, it's not as important, but when you're closer, and the shots are far deadlier, it becomes critical.
In short, ACTA:SF does what a lot of space games do but in a distinct, unique way, and this is the only simple, approachable one that truly gives you the Star Trek feel. The basic rules are very simple to grasp, and when you add in the advanced rules such as damage control, special actions, and the like, the game is simply superb. It makes the recent Wizkids Star Trek Heroclix (read: abomination) look like Rosie O'Donnell wrapped in pink Saran Wrap...just sad and pathetic in every conceivable way.
If you're a Star Trek fan or even simply a fan of ship-to-ship space combat in a squadron or fleet engagement size, this game really does the trick. I would even go so far to call this game the best-in-class based upon those criteria because it really covers all the bases and allows you so many tactical options and fleet configurations. The miniatures are solid and great looking, and the ongoing support at conventions such as GenCon and smaller local cons really indicates to me that this game has legs and will be around a long, long time.
Why This Game's Phasers Are Set To Fun:
- A great pairing of approachable design with tactical depth
- The miniatures are outstanding, although a bit of a pain to assemble
- The relatively low entry price makes this easy to get into, especially since it's not sold as a CMG
- Campaign rules really seals the deal
- The miniatures are outstanding, although a bit of a pain to assemble
- The relatively low entry price makes this easy to get into, especially since it's not sold as a CMG
- Campaign rules really seals the deal
What Commander Spock Finds...Illogical:
- If you can't paint or don't like assembling metal minis, stick to other models
- The lack of the "impulse system" takes away from what made Star Fleet Battles epic
- There's some errors in the rulebook, corrected by errata after the fact
- The lack of the "impulse system" takes away from what made Star Fleet Battles epic
- There's some errors in the rulebook, corrected by errata after the fact
For me, this is the culmination of a long love affair with ADB and FASA regarding space battles. Star Fleet Battles was simply too unwieldy and put too much emphasis on power management. FASA's version had more emphasis on action, but was still too much a simulation. Federation Commander fixed a lot of my beefs with both the aforementioned titles, but was still putting too much emphasis on power management and filling in little boxes. In short, it was still too much detail, and it was adhering too much to being a power management game.
A Call To Arms: Star Fleet gets rid of the boring parts of all of its ideological predecessors while retaining almost all of the good stuff. I think, had they kept the moving and shooting impulse system, that this game would be the ultimate Star Trek space battle game. As it rests, it does what many other space battle games have done in the past, using the "initiative-move-shoot" turn structure, which is the only thing that I see as a negative in the entire affair. The short version is that it's a very capable, remarkably comprehensive take on a space battle game with a Star Fleet Universe theme, and I enjoy it quite a bit, as do my cohorts. My hat is off to Mongoose, to be sure.
4.25/5 Stars
You can see all there is to see about A Call To Arms: Star Fleet at the Mongoose Publishing site here, where you can also place an order:
My homegrown spreadsheet (in Excel and in PDF) for lamination and/or sleeving and dry-erasing are in this folder, along with printable hex-maps and all kinds of other crap: